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March 8, 2024
Shareable Answers, EU Deployment, and Editor Improvements
Shareable Answers, EU Deployment, and Editor Improvements

This week we are delivering significant Brainfish enhancements, tailored for sharing - and for our European users:

Quick Share & Copy Functionality

We've enhanced the Brainfish Help Center to now include a quick share button, letting you send an entire Q&A sequence—including any related articles—instantly. We've cleverly packed the question and answer into the shared URL, making it simple for others to see the exact response you received. Alternatively, a new copy button lets you easily add an answer to your clipboard for further use.

Deployment for EU Users

We have successfully expanded our EU infrastructure, concluding our second deployment specifically for the European region. This serves to increase speed, reliability and data protection for our valued European customers by keeping services within the region.

Editor Tweaks

We’ve tightened up the Brainfish Editor by sorting out a few minor bugs. This should make the text manipulation experience within the Brainfish app significantly more fluid.

We couldn't make these improvements without your feedback - keep it coming!

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