The Most Effective
Help Center Ever.

The AI for Self-Service
Customer Support.

AI search for your product knowledge.
Make every customer an expert.

Demo Image
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Clipboard.appStarSmokeball AustraliaStarNowcircularStarMadpawsStarHoney InsuranceStar

Personalised answers
in under 2 seconds.

No more 'Groundhog Day' for your support team.

Brainfish is an advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) for customers to self-answer their questions, instantly.
Real-time generated insights into customer concerns will help your CX team improve your knowledgebase content's efficacy.

Try it out for yourself 👇

See results from day one.

AI answers
Onboard in 24 hours
AI answers
Reduce your support volume by double digit %
customer behaviour analytics
Understand your customers at scale

Enable 80% of customers
to self-serve.

Brainfish uses bespoke AI technology that learns your content to deliver accurate, personalised answers, so that customers can get answers that really resonate - reducing ticket volumes & making everyone happier.

Get value in seconds

Because AI shouldn't be hard to implement.

Brainfish content import
Import content

Content migration

Migrate content into Brainfish in almost any format.

The Brainfish team will import your content from Zendesk Help Center, Freshdesk, Intercom, HTML, Markdown, PDF - the list is endless.

Brainfish AI
no configuration

No configuration

Start asking questions straight away.

Brainfish learns from your content as it's added. No training, waiting or configuration.
Incorporating Brainfish into your product is as elementary as a 'copy and paste'.

Brainfish Analytics
Import content


Nurture better customer service with actionable metrics

Use analytics to learn about your customers, improve your customer content - increasing resolution rates and answer quality.

Justus Hammer

“Brainfish is a no-brainer. I recommend it to anyone that wants to transform their customer support.”

Justus Hammer (CEO & Co-Founder, Madpaws)

See all case studies

Help your customers get answers

WE add your content, WE set up your site, and YOU start answering more of your customers.
Get Started
Book a demo

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